Thursday, August 28, 2014

In my class we have been learning how to use a cool program called Kodo. On Kodo you get to make your own worlds ( it is a bit like minecraft ). The photo above is a little part of my world, I haven't done much yet but I will definitely do more and create my own world.


  • Program aspect is fun
  • Being creative and thinking big
  • You can play on two player with other people
  • You can create your own video games
  • You can synchronize characters together.

  • Limited characters 
  • Requires patience 
  • Time consuming to build one thing
  • Graphics were not that great of quality
  •  Hard to move camera and get the right angle.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

At the moment I am reading a book called Nil. I am about to start it and I think that it is about people trapped on an island where they cant escape and eventually the island will sink in a matter of years/months. I am very excited to start the book and can't wait to see what it is about!!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

This is my Tagxedo for a book our class is reading called Hoot!
Devon Sports Exchange!!!!

Every year at Mokoia Intermediate we have a sports exchange wear we go to each others schools and stay for 3 days, playing sports. This year we travelled by bus to New Plymouth where Devon Intermediate is.

Day 1:
Day 1 we had to be at school by 7:30 am with our packed bags, ready for the 5 hour bus ride to New Plymouth! It was raining so we got really wet! 
We got to Devon at 3:00 pm and we got billeted. We found our billets and left.

Day 2:
Day 2 we all went back to the school and started with our sports. Mokoia won the year 7 netball but lost the year 8 netball. 
Mokoia won the hockey.
Devon won the girls and boys soccer.
Mokoia won basketball.
Devon won the rugby.
Unfortunately we lost the trophy by one game!

Day 3:
Day 3 we travelled back to Mokoia and went home to our own nice warm beds!!!!      

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Recount of my holidays:

I had fun in my holidays. At the start of the holidays I spent time with my sister, my friends and family.

Me and my dad decided to go to the Rotorua museum. There was a cool pottery exhibition on which we had a look at and I had fun going up to the rooftop of the museum.

Later in the second week I went over to Hamilton for 5 days. I stayed with my cousins. We had fun going to the Hamilton gardens which is where the photo was taken. Me and my cousins also went to places like the Hamilton mall etc.

The lowlight of my holidays was having a cold for a few days in the first week.